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Self-Sovereign Identity Industry : Expected to Reach $47.1 Billion with 90.5% CAGR by 2029
Talao Wallet Supports IETF SD-JWT Verifiable Credentials Issued by Authlete
Verifying Age Online : Keeping Up With ARCOM's Evolving Requirements
Make DIDs and VCs interoperable across ecosystems with Talao and Danube Tech
TALAO joins TRACE4EU to improve supply chain & product traceability in the EU
SSI Credential Verifications in Real Life: How Talao and Werify are changing the game
TALAO's Digital Identity Wallets Soar Past 20,000 Downloads 📲
Decentralized Identity in the carbon credit markets : Talao, Seagrass and The Hashgraph Association join forces to create transparent and reliable markets
Talao's Identity Wallets surpasses 10,000 downloads, reflecting growing adoption of Verifiable Credentials and Decentralized Identity (DIDs)
TALAO Wallet achieves EBSI-V3 Conformance, empowering EU citizens with secure identity data management
TALAO integrates ID360 to provide users with a robust and Verifiable Digital Identity (DID)
TALAO launches Developer Mode for its Digital Identity Wallets : A step forward for the DID Community
Building future-proof digital identity wallets with Talao's technology stack 👀
Talao : 1st digital identity wallet provider in Europe - DID / SSI 📲